The Glue Factory and Other Scary Stories

Saved From Being Made into GLUE

My first horse was rescued from being sent to a glue factory. She was only 2 years old. When she was rescued, she was a mess. She was skinny and filthy and one of the most pathetic looking animals I have ever seen. And she appeared to the workers to be an animal worthy of being used to make glue. Glue. GLUE. She was rescued though. And her rescuers discovered she was pregnant. Both her and her baby would have been killed and used in glue. The horse’s name is Juliette and she is flea-bitten gray Arabian. She had a gorgeous filly named Blossom at only the age of 2 years and 4 months. Blossom is a light bay with black mane and couldn’t be more of an Arab. She’s beautiful and knows it. Both Juliette and Blossom make childrens’ lives special. Juliette is a fantastic jumper and always wins in horse shows when the game where you try and jump as many fences as possible in a certain amount of time (higher fences have more points and the points are added up at the end). She can turn on a dime and is very fast and does not tire. A favorite among the children, Juliette has made a positive difference to so many people (including myself) in return for her rescue. Her daughter, Blossom, is lovely and helps the more advanced child riders to increase their skill in a fun way.


Juliette a couple days after her rescue.

Juliette and Blossom

Juliette at full health with her lovely foal Blossom.

What is Animal Glue?

An animal glue is an adhesive that is created by prolonged boiling of animal connective tissue. To make the glue the horse must be kill because the skin, bones, tendons, and other tissues are used to make the glue. The “collagen” is used from these tissues. “Collagen” in Greek means glue (kolla).

In my opinion it is okay to send a horse to the glue factory if the horse is in old age and in pain, or if the horse is already dead. But to kill a 3 year old pregnant Arabian with a positive future? No. If you agree with me please comment. Or if you disagree, I would love to hear your view on the topic. Thank you!

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